How to reply to emails from a shared email address such as support@?
Every time you use a shared board, team members in that board can reply to emails on behalf of each other or on behalf of a shared email address such as support@. Click below to learn how to use this feature: From an Empty or Shared Inbox Board. From a Google Groups Board. How to setup a default email sender. From an Empty or Shared Inbox Board In order to do that inPopularUsing Gmail Shared tags with Drag
Drag allows teams to tag emails and tasks to make it easier to categorize pieces of workflows. For example, for Customer Support teams, labels may be support level, criticality, type of ticket (bug report / help / feature request), etc. For sales teams, they may represent size of opportunity, timezone, probability, etc. It's really up to you and your team to define the best way to categorize your cards. How do I manage shared tags on boards? We understand boards and workflows are differenSome readersHow do I create a Shared Inbox in Gmail with Drag?
How to add a Shared Inbox board You can either create a new Shared Inbox board from scratch or "Add Incoming Emails" from a Shared Inbox into an existing board (so that all emails sent to that Shared Inbox load on that board in real time).Some readersHow do I use shared drafts in Gmail?
Drag allows teams to collaborate on a draft before sending it externally. All drafts are automatically shared across all team members in that specific board. Here is everything you need to know on how to make use of shared drafts in Gmail with Drag. How do I create a new shared draft? Click inside an email. Click on reply or reply as. Start drafting a response you wantFew readersHow do I use Google Groups integration in Drag boards?
Drag allows you to integrate Google Groups into Drag boards. It is ideal for teams that do not have real email addresses for Shared Inboxes such as support@ or info@, and instead use email aliases and distribution lists. Drag Google Groups boards replace Google Groups and stop the duplication of emails. It centralizes one single version of emails into a shared board where all relevant team members have accesFew readersHow to use user roles and permissions
Users can be assigned roles which imply the actions that they are allowed to perform in Drag. Types of default roles There are four pre-defined roles available by default. Super admin: This role allows the super admin to have complete access to everything inside Drag, including email sequences, automations, reports, billing and integrations. There is only 1 Super Admin per team subscrFew readersCan I compose a new email from a shared board?
Yes! You can start a new conversation from any board, and send new emails as a Shared Inbox email address. This article explains how. How to start a new conversation from a Drag board Note to be able to compose new messages a Shared Inbox (or as another team member), you need to first grant permissions to 'reply as' that specific email address (/en/article/how-to-reply-to-Few readersComo criar e usar funções personalizadas no Drag
Os usuários podem criar funções personalizadas no Drag com sua própria combinação de permissões e mapear essas funções para sua equipe para definir quais ações cada membro da equipe pode realizar no Drag. Funções e permissões de usuário personalizadas estão incluídas no plano Pro. || O que são funções personalizadas Os usuários arrastados podem escolher sua própria combinação de permissões para criar funções personalizadas, que definem o que os membros da equiFew readersHow do I assign an email in Gmail with Drag?
Users can assign Drag cards (emails or tasks) in Gmail using Drag. This way, everyone knows who is dealing with what in a workflow. Every new email or task added in a board will initially be unassigned. How to assign team members to cards? Select the cardsFew readersHow do I @mention someone on a card?
With Drag you can have an internal chat with your team around a specific email or task. This way you can sort things out quickly with your team while avoiding sending endless emails back and forth. The internal chat is available inside each email or task card, in the card View. You can only @mention team members that are on that specific board.Few readersHow do I know when someone assigned or @mentioned me on a card?
Every time someone assigns a card to you or @mentions you in a comment, you will receive an email notification. The notification will be sent to the mentioned team members' email address and will look like this: When someone assigns you to a card: When someone @mentions you on a card: ( readersHow to use Gmail Delegation in Drag?
Gmail Delegation is a very common use case for Drag. If you want to delegate your entire inbox or specific emails to an assistant or team member, this page is for you. Delegating Gmail in Drag is super easy. Follow the steps below: Delegating your entire inbox: To delegate your own inbox: Open your inbox and turn the Drag view on. Share your personal board with your assistant or team members (/en/article/how-can-i-shFew readers