How do I create a Shared Inbox in Gmail with Drag?
How to add a Shared Inbox board
You can either create a new Shared Inbox board from scratch or "Add Incoming Emails" from a Shared Inbox into an existing board (so that all emails sent to that Shared Inbox load on that board in real time).
Note this article is only for teams that want to share a real email address with login and password. If you are using a Google Group, check this article instead.
Option 1: Creating a new Shared Inbox board from scratch
On you Gmail sidebar menu, find "Drag Boards" and click on the '+' icon next to it

Select the workflow that you want to use this Shared Inbox for.

Select the Shared Inbox option and type the email address of the Shared Inbox, then click on "Next".

Invite team members that you want to share this board with by typing their email addresses and hitting enter. You can input multiple email addresses at once by using comas between them. If you don't want to share the board with anyone else, just click on "Next". You will be able to share the board at anytime later.
Type the name of the board and click on Next.
Authenticate the shared inbox email account by logging in.
You'll be redirected to Drag's permissions popup. Read and accept it.
You will be redirected back to the board and will be ready to go! Historical emails in that inbox will load on the first column, and future emails sent to that email address will load in real time as well.
Option 2: Adding incoming emails from a Shared Inbox to an empty board
You can also add incoming emails from a Shared Inbox to an existing (empty) board. To do that:
Go to the board where you want to add the Shared Inbox.
Click on the dropdown menu next to the board title.
Click on add incoming email.

Select Shared Inbox and type the email address of the Shared Inbox.

Type the name of the board and click on Next.
Authenticate the shared inbox email account by logging in.
You'll be redirected to Drag's permissions popup. Read and accept it.
You will be redirected back to the board and will be ready to go! Historical emails in that inbox will load on the first column, and future emails sent to that email address will load in real time as well.
What if I am already logged into my Shared Inbox in Gmail?
You can also share a Drag Shared Inbox board from inside the Shared Inbox account itself. Steps below 👇🏻
Log into the Shared Inbox account in Gmail (e.g. support@, info@)
Make sure Drag is enabled in the shared inbox email account.
Turn the Drag toggle button on (to see that inbox in Drag board view).
Share the board with other team members.
All invited users will then have the Shared Inbox board added in their "Drag boards" list on the left side column.
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Updated on: 31/01/2023
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