How to use email sequences and automated follow ups?
In Drag, you can create email templates and sequences, to automate repetitive emails and follow ups. This article explains how to use it. How to create an email sequence? Email sequences can be created and edited in the same place where you can create email templates. WhFew readersHow do I use Email tracking?
Drag allows you to know when your emails have been read by the recipient. This article explains how to use this feature. How to track emails You can choose if you want to track emails or not. This setting can be found on the formatting bar on the compose box, when you are composing or replying to an email. Email tracking setting Click on the checkmarks icon to turn it on or off. When the checkmarksFew readersHow do I upload files to cards?
Sometimes, you may want to refer to certain documents or files while working on emails or tasks. For example, uploading a video recording from a customer in a manually-created task card, so that your Support team can quickly understand what is going on. Files appear in the "Files" tab in the card detail. How do I upload files to card? It is very easy to upload files to Drag cFew readersManaging spam on Drag workspaces
Drag does not analyze emails to define what should be sent to spam. It only reflects Gmail's assessment of emails when it comes to spam. This means that all emails that make it to users' inboxes or shared inboxes' original Gmail accounts will load on Drag workspaces. The emails that Gmail considers as spam and that, consequently, don't make it to inboxes, will not load on Drag workspaces. What happens when a spam arrives Spam emails are handled differently depending whether your workspaceFew readersHow do I use shared email templates?
Drag allows you to save email templates and snippets so you can send repetitive emails in seconds. And the best part - they can all be shared with team members! What is the difference between Drag email templates and Gmail email templates? If you are wondering why you should not just use the email templates feature available in Gmail, here is why: Drag email templates can be shared with team members. You can synchronize templates across an entire team, department or organisation, wiFew readers