How do I cancel my subscription?
It's a shame to hear that you want to leave us 🥺. Drag allows paid users to cancel their paid subscription at any time, with such cancellation taking effect at the next renewal date. If you have to go, please fill out this form and our Support Team will be in touch as soon as possible. Note that upgrading or downgrading plans will not result in any data loss. You will, however, lose accessFew readersHow do I manage users in my subscription?
Read this article to learn about: Adding users to your subscription. Switching users (transferring Drag seats). Removing users from your subscription. Adding a new user Click on our menu on the top right. Select Users and roles. You will see the list of existing users in yFew readersHow do I subscribe to a paid plan?
When your trial period expires, you will automatically be switched to our forever-free plan. You are free to keep using our free plan, but if you wish to upgrade to a paid plan, that's great news 😉! Make sure to review our plans and pricing to select the most suitable plan for you and your team. When you are ready, just follow the steps below: Click on the Drag menu button on the top right to go to your dashboard ( readersHow do I update my payment method?
Only Admins are able to update your payment method. To do so, follow these steps: Click on the Drag menu button on the top right Go to Billing Click on Update payment method Add the new card holder name, card number, expiration date and CVV code and click on Validate Card (https://storagFew readersHow do I upgrade plans?
Once you subscribe to a paid plan in Drag, you will be able to view key information about it in the Billing session on your dashboard, including details about your Plan, existing number of seats and pricing. You can change the plan you are, as well as your billing frequency (monthly or yearly) at any time. To do so, follow the steps below: Click on the Drag button on the top right to open your dashboard. ( readersHow can I manage and download my invoices?
You can manage your invoices in the Billing option in our menu. How to download invoices Click on the Drag menu on the top right of your screen. Click on Billing. Click on the red button Download Invoice on the top right of the screen You will be able to view the list of your historical invoices, including your current plan, price paid and date of each iFew readersHow to uninstall Drag
If for some reason, you want to uninstall our Chrome Extension, follow the steps below: Type chrome://extensions/ on your browser to open your Chrome Extension's menu and click on Remove Drag.Popular