Why does Drag request permissions to my account?
Drag needs certain permissions to your Gmail account in order to work properly. You will be asked to give us these permissions upon installation: Please keep in mind: We fully disclose the users' information we collectFew readersDoes Drag store my emails?
We do not store the content of your emails. When using Drag, all of your emails are fetched or sent via the Gmail API directly. We also use Gmail's OAuth to connect to your email account so we do not have access to your password either. You can revoke Drag's access to your account at any time directly from your Gmail account admin panel, here's how. We do store some metadata of emailsFew readersHow is security managed on DragApp services?
Drag is a Google Cloud Partner and has a series of safety measures at every level to ensure safety of our systems and services. Compliance with Google Cloud Security Policies Our systems fully comply with the Google Cloud Security Policies and are subject to a series of security checks throughout their lifecycles. We are yearly assessed by a third party Security Company We are audited yearly by a third party securitFew readersDo my team members have access to my inbox?
You can choose if you want team members to access your inbox or not. If you want to share your personal inbox (e.g. with your virtual assistant), they will have access to your inbox. However, if you do not share your personal inbox, no one will have access to your emails but you. Drag has different levels of permissions in terms of what users have access to do in an inbox. These permissions are done on a Drag board (https://help.dragapp.com/en/article/what-is-a-drag-board-b47dqh/?156709000365Few readersWhat's Drag EU GDPR compliance status?
The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a regulation in EU law on data protection and privacy in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA). This article describes Drag's GDPR compliance status.Few readersWhere is Drag incorporated?
Drag is operated by DRAGAPP.COM LIMITED, a U.K. Limited company 🇬🇧, identified as: Company Number: 10835737 Address: Building 18, Gateway 1000 Arlington Business Park, Whittle Way, Stevenage, England, SG1 2FP Email: access@dragapp.comFew readers