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Using Gmail Shared tags with Drag

Drag allows teams to tag emails and tasks to make it easier to categorize pieces of workflows.

For example, for Customer Support teams, labels may be support level, criticality, type of ticket (bug report / help / feature request), etc. For sales teams, they may represent size of opportunity, timezone, probability, etc. It's really up to you and your team to define the best way to categorize your cards.

How do I manage shared tags on boards?

We understand boards and workflows are different from one another. That's why tags are independently created per board. If you want to replicate tags across boards, scroll down to the "Can I copy the Drag tags settings from one board to another?" session of this article.

To manage the shared tags on a board:

Open the Drag menu on the top right.
Select Boards > board tags.


Select any email to trigger the top bar to load.
Click on the Tags button
Click on Manage Tags.

How do I add new shared tags?

Click on the New Tag red button on the top right.
Type a name for the tag.
Select the board(s) where you want the new tag to be applied for.
Pick a color for the tag.
Click on Create.

How do I edit or delete tags?

Just open the tags dashboard and click on the pen icon to edit them or on the bin icon to delete them.

How do I apply tags or remove them from specific cards?

Once you have created the tags in your boards, now it's time to apply them to cards.

Select the card(s) you want to apply or remove the tags from. A top bar will load, like in traditional Gmail.
Click on the red "tag" button on the top bar.
The list of tags will appear on the drop down. Select or unselect the tag(s) you want to apply or remove.

Can I copy the Drag tag settings from one board to another?

Yes! Every time you drag a card from one board to another, all the labels from this card that do not exist in the destination board are going to be created in the destination board. So, to copy labels from one board to another, do the following:

Assign the labels you want to copy to a card
Drag this card to the board you want the labels to be created. The new labels will automatically appear on the destination board.

Can I filter boards per tags?

Absolutely! Click here to learn more about how to search and filter Drag boards.

Can I automate tagging in Drag?

Absolutely! Click here to learn more about our automations.

Updated on: 31/01/2023

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