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How do I use Custom Fields in Drag?

Through Custom Fields, Drag provides a highly customizable approach to managing your business workflows right from Gmail. This article explains everything you need to know about Custom Fields.

What are custom fields?

We all know that a Sales pipeline requires different fields than a Helpdesk, or from Recruiting processes. For example, whereas Sales teams will be interested in deal values or lead job titles, Support teams might be more interested in ticket type, and Recruiters in years of experience.

Custom Fields allow you to customize Drag to perfectly fit your different workflows. With them, you can create customizable fields for each of your boards that help you manage a specific workflow.

Types of custom fields

We offer 10 types of custom fields:

Short text (example: job title, department)
Long text (example: customer feedback, delivery instructions)
Phone number (example: landline number, mobile phone number)
Email (example: virtual assistant email address, secondary email address)
Radio select (example: AM/PM, male/female, morning/afternoon/evening)
Multiselect dropdown list (example: product specs, age brackets)
Numeric (example: order quantity, discount percentage)
Currency (example: deal value, purchase order value)
ID (example: invoice number, ticket ID)
Document ID (example: order reference number, delivery tracking code)

This is how they look:

Can I have multiple custom fields of the same type?

Yes. You can have as many custom fields or each type as you want. You might want to create, for example, 2 phone number fields for Landline Number and Mobile Number, or 3 short text fields for Full Name, Organization and Job Title.

How do I create Custom Fields?

You can create custom fields at a board level and assign different values for them in each card.

Creating a new custom field for a board

To create new custom fields:

Click on any card on that board
Click on the custom fields button on the top bar

A custom fields menu will load on the right side with all type options. Click on the custom field type you wish to create.

Select a label (the title of your custom field) and a value to be associated to that card.

Once a custom field has been created, a new section "Board's custom fields" will be created on the bottom of the custom fields menu. Every time you open another card on that same board, the Board's custom fields will be available. Just click on the existing fields and follow #4 to add values to them.

Note when you create a custom field, that field will become available to all cards within that same board.

At card level

To assign an existing custom field to a specific card:

Click on the card you want to add the custom field to.
Click on the custom fields button on the top bar.

Under the "Board's custom fields" section, select the custom field you wish to add to that card.
Select a label (the title of your custom field) and a value to be associated to that card.

Where do I view my custom fields?

You can view Custom Fields on both detail view and board view.

On detail view

Custom Fields are located under the card title and the standard fields (due dates, assignments and tags).

On board view

On board view, all cards that contain custom fields will have the option "show more/ show less" so you can expand or collapse custom fields from that card on board view.

How do I edit, delete or rename Custom Fields?

Delete or rename custom fields for the entire board

Click on the card you want to add the custom field to.
Click on the custom fields button on the top bar.
Under the "Board's custom fields" section, click on the custom field title to rename it or on the bin icon next to it to delete it.

When deleting a custom field from the custom fields menu, the field will be deleted for the entire board.

Delete or edit custom fields for a specific card

Click on the card you want to add the custom field to.
Hover the custom field you wish to edit or delete until you see a pen icon and a bin icon next to it.
Click on the pen icon to edit the field or on the bin icon to delete it.

When editing/deleting a custom field from the detail view top bar, the field will be edited/deleted only for that specific card, and will still be available for other cards on that board.

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Updated on: 22/08/2024

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