How do I know if I'm using the latest version of Drag?
We are constantly launching new features, improvements and fixes to our Chrome Extension.
Updates are rolled out to all users automatically, you don't need to make anything to have your version updated. However, any time we launch a new version, it may take up to 48 hours until is it effectively rolled out to all users.
If we have released a new version and it is not live for you yet, you can manually force an update and this article shows you how.
To find out the Drag version you currently have:
Go to chrome://extensions/
On the top right, turn on the developer mode option:

The number of the version currently available for you will appear next to the Drag Chrome Extension title. In the example below, the version available is 10.8:

To know what version is the latest in Drag, just check in our Chrome Store profile page:

Under the session "Additional information", on the right side of the page, you will see what version is the latest and it's respective release date.
If the version you currently have differs from the latest version available in the Chrome Store, you can force a manual update by going back to chrome://extensions/ and clicking on the "update" button on the top left:

Still have questions? Our team will love to help at
Updates are rolled out to all users automatically, you don't need to make anything to have your version updated. However, any time we launch a new version, it may take up to 48 hours until is it effectively rolled out to all users.
If we have released a new version and it is not live for you yet, you can manually force an update and this article shows you how.
How do I know which version I currently have?
To find out the Drag version you currently have:
Go to chrome://extensions/
On the top right, turn on the developer mode option:

The number of the version currently available for you will appear next to the Drag Chrome Extension title. In the example below, the version available is 10.8:

How do I know if my version is the latest?
To know what version is the latest in Drag, just check in our Chrome Store profile page:

Under the session "Additional information", on the right side of the page, you will see what version is the latest and it's respective release date.
How do I update my Drag version?
If the version you currently have differs from the latest version available in the Chrome Store, you can force a manual update by going back to chrome://extensions/ and clicking on the "update" button on the top left:

Still have questions? Our team will love to help at
Updated on: 25/01/2023
Thank you!