Articles on: ⚙️ Automations

What is the trigger reversibility condition in automations?

When using time-based automations in Drag, you might come across these checkboxes located in the "After" section:

This article is about the 3rd checkbox (trigger reversibility). This option allows you to define whether you want your automation to run even if the original trigger defined for it is not in place anymore.

For example, let's say you want to send a notification 2 business days after a card was moved to a specific column. In this case, your automation will look like this:

In your workflow, 2 different scenarios can happen:
The card is moved to the defined column and remains there for 2 business days OR;
The card is initially moved to the defined column but, before 2 business days have passed, it is then moved to a different column.

In this case, the trigger reversibility condition will be crucial in defining whether that automation should run or not. It works the following way:
Reversibility condition is enabled: the automation will only run in the scenario #1 above.
Reversibility condition is disabled: the automation will run on both scenarios #1 and #2 above.

Note the reversibility condition is only available for triggers that can be modified (ie. tag is added, card is moved to, card had all subtasks complete, user is assigned to and card status changed).

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Updated on: 28/08/2024

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