Artigos sobre: 🚀 Getting Started

Can I have emails in both Drag boards and my Gmail inbox?Option 1: The Default BehaviorOption 2: The Alternative BehaviorHow can I change my setting?

Articles on: 🚀 Getting Started

Some users prefer to keep a clean Gmail, archiving emails from Gmail and keeping them in Drag boards only.

Other users prefer to have more visibility over the emails that are in their Drag boards, and prefer to have emails being displayed in both Gmail and Drag boards.

The good news is that Drag can accommodate both preferences.

Note this setting has been default since 27th March 2021. All users that installed Drag before this date have, by default, the "Option 2" below.

The default behavior in Drag is that the emails in your Drag boards are not necessarily synchronized with your inbox.

A few examples of how your emails behave in this case are:

When dragging an email from Gmail to a Drag board, the email is archived from Gmail and stays on the board only.

If setting up an automation to "move to" emails to another board, emails skip your Gmail inbox and go straight to the destination board only.

Emails sent to Google Groups load directly into Drag Google Groups boards, not loading into users' Gmail inboxes.

Sent items dragged to Drag boards don't load in users' Gmail inboxes.

Note this setting was the default for users that installed Drag on or before 26th March 2021.

This option means that every email in Drag boards are, by definition, in your inbox. This means that if you archive something from Gmail, it will be gone from Drag boards and vice-versa.

A few examples of how your emails will behave are:

When dragging an email from Gmail to a Drag board, the email is assigned to the Drag board and also remains in your Gmail inbox.

If setting up an automation to "move to" emails to another board, emails will load into boards and also in your Gmail inbox.

Emails sent to Google Groups load on your Drag Google Groups boards and also in the board owner's Gmail inbox.

Sent items dragged to Drag boards also load in users' Gmail inbox.

Please send an email to if you want this setting to be changed.

Updated on: 26/01/2023

Actualizado em: 08/05/2023

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