Artigos sobre: 💨 Productivity

How does the activity log work?1. Board activity log2. Card activity log

Articles on: 💨 Productivity

The activity log, as the name suggests, log all activity done by any team member on a specific board. You can access the activity log in 2 different ways:

Notifications in the activity log will appear on the bell icon on the top right of each board:

The activity log is located on the right side of each board and contains the history of all actions performed in that board along time.

Search for notifications

You can search for specific notifications on the search box on the top of the activity log.

Pre-defined filters

You can easily filter the notifications by using the pre-defined filters "assigned to me", "@mentions" or "all". Click on them to see only assignments to you, mentions to you or all notifications altogether.

Clickable notifications

Clicking on each notification will take the user directly to the card where the respective change has been made.

The following actions are included in the activity log:
Adding / editing comments

@mentioning team members

Adding / editing due dates

Adding new cards

Adding / editing tasks inside cards

Adding / editing notes inside cards

Assigning cards to team members

Archiving cards

Moving cards across boards or columns

Assing / editing color coding

Adding / removing / editing tags

Merging cards

Click on the "Mark all as read" button on the top right of the activity log to unbold all notifications at the same time.

Similarly to the board activity log, you can view all activities done inside a certain card. To do so, click on the card in question and go to the "Activity" tab.

Updated on: 26/01/2023

Actualizado em: 08/05/2023

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