Artigos sobre: 💨 Productivity

How do I sort (reorder) cards in a column?How do I sort cards?How does Drag differentiate email cards and task cards when sorting?

Articles on: 💨 Productivity

You can define the order in which you see your cards within a column with Drag.

There are 2 ways of doing it:

1. Drag cards for custom sorting

Simply drag emails up and down to change the order of the cards the way you want.

2. Sort button for structured sorting

For a more structured sorting, you can use our sort button that allows you to sort cards by:

None (manual)

Newest first

Oldest first

Unread first

Due date (newest)

Due date (oldest)

To use this option:

Click on the drop down menu next to the board title

Select your option in the drop down menu

Clicking on "None" will take your cards back to the previous order they were before you sorted them by another option in the drop down menu.

These are the expected behaviours for email cards and task cards for each one of the sorting options:

Newest first

Emails will be sorted based on the date of the latest message in an email thread. Tasks will be sorted based on their creation date.

Oldest first

Emails will be sorted based on the date of the latest message in an email thread. Tasks will be sorted based on their creation date.

Unread first

Emails will be sorted based on their status read / unread in that specific board, for that specific user (note that in shared boards, it is possible to have the same email with different read / unread status depending on the user). Tasks will always be considered "read" status.

Due date (newest)

Emails with due dates will be sorted by the most recent due dates on the top. Emails without due dates will be considered older than the oldest due date available. The same logic applies for tasks.

Due date (oldest)

Emails with due dates with be sorted by the oldest due dates on the top. Emails without due dates will be considered older than the oldest due date available. The same logic applies for tasks.

Note if you re-sort cards within a column, the new sorting will only be applied to the current cards in that board. New cards dragged into the board or emails arriving on the board will behave regardless of the sorting you have selected.

Updated on: 01/02/2023

Actualizado em: 08/05/2023

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